"I began my journey at Azimuth as a runner, gaining a solid understanding of how a Post Production facility operates and valuable experience with teams across the company. From day one, I was encouraged to be myself and get involved. Now, transitioning into a tech role, the support and guidance has made the shift seamless, and I’m excited to keep building on what I’ve learned."
Nye Patterson
Junior Edit Assist
In the numbers
Coffees made
Biscuits dunked
Staff drinks arranged

A Conscious

We are a part of many communities of practice for post production, colour grading, offline and online editing and finishing, visual effects, motion graphics, animation, Audio post production and the wider TV channel, broadcasters and publishing communities.

We are a part of the UK and London Film Network, the factual documentary community, the London post-production community, and the local area of Holborn. We believe it’s important to build open dialogue, be a diverse and inclusive community, and give where we can without always expecting something back in return. We are happy to educate and be educated, to take critique and to be open to learning and development so that we can understand better how we fit into broader ecosystems and communities, which refine our practices and create optimal and peak experiences with our clients in the production of the work.

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